25 July 2013

that moment you prayed about it. the situation got worse, and you felt that you were on the verge of losing hope. 

when i'm encountered with trials, i am often encouraged to resort to prayer ... solicit and seek a strategy from above. or to ask for clarity in hopes that whatever i'm faced with i'd come out better than before the situations hit me. but what do i do when i have been patient and prayed?

that's what i asked my momma this morning ... hoping that she'd give me an answer that would resonate and prick the very depths on my soul. on the other end of the phone she whispered, "well, kenny, keep being patient and don't stop praying."

i paused and listened. she was asking me to repeat exactly what i said had been doing and was getting no results. nonetheless, it was a reminder to continue leaning on God, to not lose faith, to tie a small knot at the end of my rope and press through the storms of life. 
#transparency #faith #notaffraid #peace

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