08 June 2012

Whoever said that life was intended to always work in your favor was dead wrong!

Over the past couple of weeks, I have experienced some major internal defeats. Do I claim them as blows? Well, I can only accept the reality of the situations, right?

Accepting the circumstances at face value is important. Failing to recognize these obstacles will only lead to living a life that is not genuine. Or as I was growing up, we would call it fronting. Nowadays, I think the intellectual folks call it being pretentious!

Life has a weird way of placing a mirror right in my face and causing me to stare at my true self … for hours! Even when I try to hide or run away from those idiosyncrasies, I am often reminded of just how human I am.

By being truthful with myself, I am better able to handle the challenges and put together a strategy to come out on top; one that will be victorious. I’ll look back on these recent encounters and smile knowing that I almost counted myself out, but before I gave in, I got up and looked up!

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