23 January 2010

Health care reform to jobs

With the recent election of Senator-elect Scott Brown in Massachusetts, the once promising health care reform is probably stalled. As a result of the republican winning, the democrats do not have the supermajority – which is bad news for President Obama and his promises.

As much as I hate that this is happening, the democrats can only fault themselves for taking way too long to pass the bill. Boy oh boy do I dislike the agenda of the Republican Party; however, I can honestly admit - when they did have the majority, they pushed their legislation through, with or without bipartisan support. Democrats failed to deliver. And when November comes around, if the dems have fewer seats, think: health care.

Speaker Nancy Pelosi admitted earlier this week that she does not have enough votes in the House to pass the middle-of-the-road, not-what-was-originally-promised Health Care Reform that the Senate passed. Perhaps these representatives fear that a stamp of approval on this legislation would equate to less votes in the upcoming election. Rightfully so - because several left-leaning liberals, including myself, was depending on those who are seated now to get it right. And they did not.

Several of my friends have either graduated college or is pretty close to graduating. Growing up, our parents placed emphasis on finishing high school and going to college "so that you can get a good job". Okay. It has happened. Where are the jobs? Americans are hurting.

Everyone that can work and wants to work, should be able to work! This Congress definitely needs to step up and deliver. We need jobs (oh, and REAL health care reform, too).

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