24 October 2011

Gym Lesson

While working out tonight, I noticed a heavier set lady struggling to use one of the machines. As I approached her to assist, she mumbled, "Today is my first day back in the gym. I don't know how this equipment works, and I just can't do it. I'm not ready!" At that very moment, I began to explain to her how the machine worked. I also told her, "You can do it. Do as many as you can, and each time you come in - just do more. Before you know it, you'll be fitted in no time."

This lady had no idea that as I was encouraging her, she was ultimately speaking into my life.  See -- frustration often shows its face at the most inopportune times in my life. At the moment when I have made that firm commitment to pursue a goal that I have longed to reach, doubt appears out of nowhere and leads to an embraced rejection. The very thought of failing creeps in and often replaces the thirst of believing that I can conquer the vision that I once held so dear to me.

"Do as many as you can."

Those were the words that I uttered to the lady once she became familiar with properly maneuvering the equipment. Although she did only 3 reps, her radiant smile was admirable. It was clear that she was excited and content with her minor success.

How many times do I pause and reflect on the small things that I accomplish in life? Or do weep and complain about what I have not obtained?

In my #GymLesson, I took away two thoughts -- become more appreciative of those minuscule successes and to not give up on the end at the beginning!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is a word! I like it.
