It has been a minute since I last blogged, but you can rest assure that I have been following this health care debate closely (the house passing its version, the senate voting to begin debate). Although lawmakers took a mini vacation for the holidays, they will now have their hands full since thanksgiving is over.
What's crucial?
The senate has to rally enough support from the blue dog democrats and the few independents in order to pass this health care overhaul. It is literally to the wires. The democrats cannot afford to lose any support on this bill. Senate Majority Leader Reid will definitely have to concede with the public health option (boo) in order to gain the vote of those fiscal conservative democrats. Nonetheless, as long as the bill is not watered down too much from its current version, I am in support. At this point, it is a victory to have gotten this far.
I will have to recant what I previously blogged (that I would reconsider my vote in 2012 if there is no public option). Well, as politics have it, there has to be some compromises. Minor health care reform (stripping away from allowing people with preexisting conditions from receiving health care, et al) will be enough to triumph.
So we will have to wait and see what happens in the coming weeks. Hopefully President Obama will have health care legislation on his desk to sign before February. *crosses fingers*
The wait begins!
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