Both tears and sweat are salty, but they render a different result. Tears will get you sympathy; sweat will get you change. –Rev. Jesse Jackson
24 December 2009
Senate Passes Health Care Bill
Waking up to the news that the US Senate passed its version of the health care reform was simply incredible. This brings a sense of relief and victory. However, the fight for this passage is not over. The road ahead will take tremendous negotiations - including compromises to retain the 60 senate votes after the conference committee.
In a rare Christmas Eve vote, members on Capitol Hill got it right. I definitely look forward to the "give and takes" that will occur over the next few weeks. Until then, way to go Democrats (and boo Lieberman!).
14 December 2009
Have you written your senator lately?
Dear Senator Hutchison & Senator Cornyn:
As a constituent of yours in the State of Texas, I ask that you consider voting for the health reform bill. Being younger and new to politics, I have noticed that the Republican Party has gained the brand of the "do nothing Party" and the "Party of 'no'." I ask that you work in a bipartisan fashion with the democrats on this pressing issue. Many lives are at stake, and every person in America is depending on this Congress to get the job done. If you do not agree with the measures, please by all means - work to rally up the troops in your party on a compromise that equates to real health care reform.
I look forward to witnessing this important moment in history - when all Americans are able to freely visit hospitals and receive appropriate medical coverage that should have been granted to them at birth.
Have a great holiday season.
01 December 2009
World AIDS Day: 2009

Since its inception, HIV/AIDS has been depicted in a dreadful light. Some of the fairy-tale myths associated with HIV/AIDS is: there is a certain “look” to the disease; this is an automatic death sentence, or this is a “gay man’s” disease. None of the above is true.
If you are unsure of your status, I would encourage you to go and get tested. Go to the local health clinic and ask for a confidential test.
28 November 2009
Final push for health care reform
What's crucial?
The senate has to rally enough support from the blue dog democrats and the few independents in order to pass this health care overhaul. It is literally to the wires. The democrats cannot afford to lose any support on this bill. Senate Majority Leader Reid will definitely have to concede with the public health option (boo) in order to gain the vote of those fiscal conservative democrats. Nonetheless, as long as the bill is not watered down too much from its current version, I am in support. At this point, it is a victory to have gotten this far.
I will have to recant what I previously blogged (that I would reconsider my vote in 2012 if there is no public option). Well, as politics have it, there has to be some compromises. Minor health care reform (stripping away from allowing people with preexisting conditions from receiving health care, et al) will be enough to triumph.
So we will have to wait and see what happens in the coming weeks. Hopefully President Obama will have health care legislation on his desk to sign before February. *crosses fingers*
The wait begins!
18 October 2009
Dealing with addictions can be the hardest struggles a person faces. The question than an addict generally has is: "Why can't I stop?" Being addicted to anything can be embarrassing. Often times, people refrain from discussing their addiction of out fear that people will perceive them as lacking self-control. In most instances, the desire is so overwhelming that it takes up a huge portion of their time either through the consumption or thoughts of engaging.
What is an addiction that you are dealing with? Perhaps it’s something that you do not speak of. Perhaps others are aware. What is your strategic plan that you have in place to help you overcome this addiction? I would encourage you to speak with a licensed counselor or professional to discuss your addiction. Here are some website resources:
Addiction Help Line
Overcoming Pornography Addiction (University of Texas Dallas)
The Center for Internet Addiction
Alcoholic and Drug Addictions
Also, check with your health insurance provider. Most carries support these types of services.
14 October 2009
High scores on nat'l math test
Texas students tally strong scores in national math test
By TERRENCE STUTZ / The Dallas Morning
AUSTIN – Black students in Texas scored at or near the top compared with their counterparts across the nation on a national math test this year, while the state as a whole ranked near the middle on the "Nation's Report Card" exam.
Results released Wednesday on the National Assessment of Educational Progress indicated that black eighth graders in Texas tied Massachusetts for first place on the math test, while black fourth graders from Texas earned the third-highest score among the states.
Overall, Texas ranked 27th on the fourth grade exam and 18th on the eighth grade exam. The state's ranking was primarily the result of a large proportion of minority students – who typically underperform white students on standardized tests – compared with other states.
White fourth graders in Texas tied for fifth place in their peer group and Hispanic fourth graders in Texas ranked eighth nationwide. White and Hispanic eighth graders each ranked fourth within their respective peer groups.
The NAEP is closely monitored because it is the only assessment test given to students in all states and is the basis for the Nation's Report Card issued by the U.S. Department of Education. The test was given to a scientifically selected sample of nearly 330,000 fourth and eighth graders in all states earlier this year.
"Today's results describe the strong performance Texas students have consistently shown on the NAEP mathematics test," state Education Commissioner Robert Scott said Wednesday. "Our rigorous state standards in math provide a solid academic base for our students."
Nationally, scores for fourth graders showed no overall increase from the last exam two years ago, while scores for eighth graders went up slightly.
13 October 2009
Health care (once more)
Highlights of the Baucus plan (named after the Finance Committee Chairman, Max Baucus):
-within 10 years reduce national deficit by $80 billion
-at least 29 million people will be covered within 10 years
-94% of nonelderly people will be covered
Today will definitely be interesting.
09 October 2009
President Obama wins 2009 Nobel Peace Prize
In less than a year into his presidency, it is obvious that the committee is seeking to endorse his foreign policy -- which is a slap in the face to former President George W. Bush. Because of President Obama's willingness to reengage in parts of the middle east, creating such international alliance, his administration's view on climate change and wanting to dialogue with those who are a threat to our nation -- are all reasons for him winning such a coveted award. Though he has not accomplished much in the international arena, this will definitely help him and his administration further their global promises.
Only two other sitting US presidents have won the award -- President Theodore Roosevelt (1906) and President Woodrow Wilson (1919). Two decades after the end of his presidency, President Jimmy Carter won the award (2002).

08 October 2009
Ron Clark Academy on Health Care Reform
Even the students at the Ron Clark Academy get it – health care needs a reform. With the possibility of one republican crossing the aisle (Senior Senator of Maine, Olympia Snowe), the democrats in Congress are capable of making it happen.
Students at Ron Clark Academy first made national headlines when the students created a video "You can vote however you like" and posted it on YouTube. Since then, students have made nationally televised appearances – from ABC to CNN. At first, the group of students rapped in a nonpartisan fashion. However, their latest video on health care reform seems the students are leaning to the left, which I admire! Enjoy:
03 October 2009
Blended Families
Just recently, I tried to count this whole ordeal as complete; however, the memories simply won't fade. Not wishing to place blame or fault on anyone, I occasionally replay the "what if's..." and wonder how different my life would be had he continued in his capacity of being the absolute father figure.
My mom is a true catalyst of having a robust spirit and being able to endure the hard pressures of life. Because of her immense attitude of refusing to succumb to the tragedy of being alone and single, she began dating again. Being immature and a selfish child, I wanted her all to myself. Her now-husband, who I grudgedly call my step father, only complicated the situation. He was an anomaly to our family being able to successfully move forward after the divorce. I still cringe at the very thought of the day he moved in with us.
An article titled, "The Role of Being a Step Dad" mentions that step dads often have a hard time adjusting to the natural love that a hereditary father might have for his child. One could expect there to be difficulties and jealousies after being blindsided and forced to allow someone else into the family picture. The article mentions that “a new step dad may have the willingness and be putting forth the effort to grow into this relationship with the kids, but the kids may have trouble adapting to this and need their own time to adjust to it” (Velez, 1999).
A friend and I who share similar experiences were discussing our views of a blended family. Does it work? We concluded that the blended family could work. However, the new person has to be introduced in a very cautious manner and cannot be viewed as someone who is intruding or attempting to replace the father. This could have a long-term detrimental effect on the future of the step dad and the child’s relationship. Speaking first hand, accepting my step dad has been one of my greatest struggles – even after 15 years.
01 October 2009
10 September 2009
Health care speech afterthoughts
I could discuss the hecklers such as Representative Joe Wilson of South Carolina who yelled "you lie" to the President of the United States or Representative Louie Gohmert of Texas who had a sign around his neck that read "What bill?" (that's for a later entry)... However, I will focus my attention on the letter that President Obama mentioned in his speech - the letter that dear Senator Ted Kennedy wrote to him in May. Check it out here.
05 September 2009
No public option – No reform
If you believe that the current health care system is not supporting all Americans, then I dare you to get on board and rally behind the public option. America needs this – not a “trigger system” that reports indicate that Obama is leaning towards to appease the republicans and blue dog democrats. Fiscal conservatives argue that a public option is too expensive, it’s too massive, and he’s pushing forth a socialist agenda. Give me a break. What is too expensive is voting to fund a war that we should have never entered. Health care is increasing, insurance companies are failing to provide services to those who have preexisting conditions, and millions of Americans are without coverage.
Many of my friends who are either finishing or finished college are participating in unpaid internships without healthcare. There are equal or greater people employed at companies who do not offer health insurance. Most companies have inserted clauses that drop coverage after one reaches a certain age (ie. I was dropped from my parent’s insurance once I reached 23). Thankfully my employer provides reasonably affordable insurance. However, without this public option, I fear that what I’m paying now will double or triple. This is the perfect opportunity to revamp the system and hold insurance company’s accountable to providing ethical coverage.
We elected President Obama to overturn the politics of the past. He cannot afford to break away or concede to those who are unwilling to offer up solutions or compromises. He cannot give in to the insurance lobbyists who are injecting fear and blatant lies into the health care reform discussions nor can he turn back on his campaign promises. This is important. The public option is absolutely necessary and will be a great way of regulating the current prices of insurance.
No public option – No reform.
27 August 2009
I didn't know my own strength
Life can sometime throw hardballs that will cause you to question your faith. Doubt starts to creep in, anger builds and giving up seems the easy way out. Challenge yourself to use the negatives as opportunities to start afresh. Tie a knot at the end of your rope, rewrite your strategy and crawl if you have to - to reach the finishing point. Don't break.
Check out song#7 at
17 August 2009
Sermon notes (8-16-09)
1 Cor. 9:16-27
Don't become disqualified
-Professional, college and even high school athletes who’ve used performance enhancement drugs have had their titles and victories stripped of them b/c they disqualified themselves
-We can spend a lifetime preparing for our moment in the spotlight while destroying that moment in the end
-Don't take any moment of glory for granted
-People have blown great opportunities and chances - unfortunately forfeiting life's achievement due to a mindless act
-Life can be compared to a sporting event
-Be mindful of the things that can disqualify me
-One thoughtless moment can cause me everything – even after developing skills, talents & abilities
-Don’t live life “in the moment” forgetting the investments and sacrifices incurred along the way to succees
Tips to surviving temptations & finishing strong:
1. Take some time to develop convictions
-Something should sustain, keep and restrain me
-I must develop the right principles (v17)
-I have been given a trust and I need to know how to handle my options
-Life doesn't owe me anything… not a sense of entitlement; there are others more deserving.
-God expects me to operate on his behalf
-He’s entrusting me to be a witness 24/7
-Privileges that are given is because God trusts me & the picture is bigger than me
-Always be a drum major for truth by demonstrating the right priorities (Galatians 6)
-Display right practices
-My goal should be to do whatever it takes to win one for Christ – as Paul mentions
-Live in such a way that I inspire someone else to come to Christ
-My life should not be about me but should be about other people.
-There is someone watching my footsteps. Am I living in such a way that someone would want to follow my footsteps? (1979 blizzard… son follow footsteps of dad home)
2. Take time to develop character (v23)
-Never assume that I'm going to grow old
-Don't live life with regrets
-Life is important, individual, and intense
-Give life and God my best… don’t miss any opportunities by worrying about who’s running against me
-The race is not given to the swift or strong but to the one that endures to the end
-Life is intense (v25)
-Great opportunities have been afforded to some, but not everyone can the handle spotlight because they lack integrity
3. Take time to develop consistency
-Life requires development
-Strive to be intentional in everything that I do.
-Do not go through life aiming without a target
15 August 2009
Race: Part I
In the later part of July, the Professor Gates' arrest was going away. In the middle of a press conference, on health care reform, a reporter interjected by asking President Obama’s opinion of the arrest. President Obama clearly misspoke by calling Officer Crowley’s actions as being “stupidly.” He later apologized. But Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck would not let the situation run its course.
In an interview with Greta Van Susteren, of Fox News’, Limbaugh mentioned: “We’re finding out that this guy’s got a chip on his shoulder. He’s angry at this country. He’s not proud of it… I think there are elements in this country he doesn’t like and he never has liked.” While Limbaugh and his conservative friends are entitled to their opinions of our president, I strongly refute Limbaugh’s remarks. Since February of 2007, and earlier, some conservatives have tried painting President Obama as someone who is out of touch with the founding fathers’ ideologies, as being un-American and have been on a mission to distort his presidency. While it is normal, and rather political, for the opposing party to counter each other’s agenda, it is also extremely disturbing for blatant lies to surface in hopes of twisting the truth. Limbaugh did not stop. He went on to say: “He's using the power of the presidency to remake the country.” Way to go Limbaugh! Each presidential candidate, in one fashion or the other, campaigns on reshaping the country.
In an interview, on Fox News’, Beck said, “[President Obama is] a guy who has a deep-seated hatred for white people or the white culture... I'm not saying he doesn't like white people, I'm saying he has a problem... This guy is, I believe, a racist.” Remarks such as this further divide our country. This infuses racial separations and makes it harder for us to create a nation where the color of our skin does not epitomize who we are as individuals. For an extended period of time, civil rights icons fought in hopes of establishing a country that does not judge the other based on their race. Since the election of the country’s first black president, the dialogue on race has resurfaced. I welcome this. We have so many people who are passionate about uncovering the deeply engrained, stereotypes and critical analysis of the black race. To an individual, there is much more than what you can visualize externally. As a nation that is full of people from all walks of life, with different backgrounds, different life stories and of all race – we have to get to a point where we can embrace people for who they are and accept them as is.
Have you said "I love you" lately?
10 August 2009
2007: State of the Black Union
Ebay & General Motors

06 August 2009
Twitter & Facebook Problems
The way the world communicates has changed. Talking on the phone has become antiquated and has been replaced by text messaging. Although I’m not a regular user of Facebook, one of my friend text me and said she was having problems logging into the system. System administrators: We are not going to be able to survive the day without having access to our popular social networking sites. Please fix this fast! These withdrawal pains are not easy.
02 August 2009
Sunday's Song
I need just 10 minutes of your time. Please take a look at this video in its entirety.
01 August 2009
Civil Rights Movement = 2 Gay Rights Movement?
My friend, who I will refer to as “John”, believed that the civil rights movement was extremely different, in context – which I agree. Our disagreement stemmed from whether the movements were the same sort of lobbying. I presented several analogies. One of the basic: if I’m told to dig a hole in Atlanta, and you’re told to dig a hole in Dallas – no matter where we’re digging holes at, at the end of the day – we both dug holes. John believed that black people were discriminated based on what a person could see – the color of their skin. And he is absolutely correct. Gay people are discriminated based on their sexual preference, whether you can immediately recognize a gay person would be based on a case by case analysis; however, each group is being discriminated against.
I was really taken back by how he could not see that they were both fighting for different rights, but yet both fighting for rights. Because of the extremely sensitive content, race and sexual preferences, our conversation quickly turned from whether they were both “equal rights” to whether gays should even have rights at all. Again, we differed. Our entire discussion began with a marquee from a church in Texas that read: “Gays right are not civil rights”. And I wholeheartedly disagree with this pastor’s opinion and personal assessment. This pastor can morally choose to disagree with a gay person’s lifestyle; however, it becomes extremely absurd when he beings to advocate denying certain people the right to equality. Neither should he use the pulpit as a punching bag to seclude a particular group of people. Being rooted and grounded in one’s personal beliefs does not exempt one from treating people fairly or cautious of their feelings.

John believed that gays should refrain from causing uproar because being gay is a preference, whereas being black is not an option. On the contrary, I expressed that individual classes should be able to live without lawmakers setting parameters within their freedom to choose. Whether one falls within the pool of diversity of being physically disabled, male or female, rich or poor, young or old, white or black – we as people should have the liberty of expressing ourselves as unique and different individuals. After all, this is what makes us the great melting pot of groups, ideas and citizenships.
By surrounding myself with people who come from different backgrounds than me, with those who have ideas that does not always align with mine has taught me that at the end of the day, we have something in common – we just want to be happy and free of worries. Because we sit in different sections of the aisle does not mean we cannot find that uniting bond that holds us together. While my atheist friend is guided by his personal convictions and my Muslim friend’s lifestyle are shaped through her ideologies, we are able to create civil discourse and merge our differences and ultimately realize that we are one.
30 July 2009
Embracing a reemerging icon: Whitney Houston
We all are aware of Whitney Houston’s past. At a very young age, she rose to stardom because of her singing abilities. She captured the attention of millions of fans worldwide through her crossover appeal, and she was offered several lead roles in films – becoming an amazing actress. However, she later faced public scrutiny because of her admitted drug use and failed marriage. You may recall back in 2005 when she made regular appearances on Being Bobby Brown; the show epitomized the obvious –Houston was being hit hard with the vicissitudes of life.
Houston does not ride solo in public exile. Others such as: Chris Brown, former NAACP Youth and College Director turned Baltimore preacher Rev. Jamal-Harrison Bryant, Michael Vick (among a host of other athletes – Ron Artest, OJ Simpson) and R. Kelly have all had to endure such unrestricted opinion.
Listening to Vivica Fox on the Wendy Williams Show last week when she spoke of the Chris Brown apology inspired me to write this entry. She said that “[Chris] has a tremendous amount of talent and a bright future. He made a mistake… when I see him I will embrace him and give him a hug”.
Bishop Jakes wrote in a press release regarding his son, Jermaine, that “in spite of the family pain we feel from this unfortunate situation, it has given us a chance to show him the same help, support, and restorative grace for which our family and church is noted.”
One of the biggest conduits for championing those who have fallen has been my Big Ma. She instilled in me that that while I might not agree with someone’s behavior or past mistakes, to always “be careful for nothing”. Perhaps my struggles are not public. Truthfully speak, I too have found myself on the dark Damascus Road and needed someone to embrace and love me. Therefore, I have to firmly support Whitney, the legend. I truly believe that her best days are ahead of her!

25 July 2009
Blog Name Change: The Barber's Chair (TBC)
During this two month sabbatical, I have been able to gather new thoughts, enjoy a few new reads, and also assess the reason why I enjoy blogging so much. By this time, you may have noticed that the name of the blog has changed to "The Barber's Chair". Changing the name was easy. Sitting at the barbershop one day, I recalled a conversation with my grandfather before he passed. He mentioned that the barbershop, back in his day, was the primary outlet for black men (especially) to engage in open conversations without fear of being restrained by their counterparts. When black men felt isolated and their voices where not heard, they used the barbershop as an avenue to uplift each other. This was regarded as their “community”. And to date, the black barbershop remains the same.
Going into a black-owned barbershop at any given moment (except Mondays – when most are closed), you very well might witness barbers acting as unscripted facilitators while many patrons provide feedback on the many topics of the hour. Perhaps the conversation may have changed from earlier times in history, the ultimate outlet remains unbroken.
Further, the black barbershop often gives men a sense of culture. This is one place where black men are able to express their likes and disgruntles in a free environment. Often, you might see someone coming in the shop rendering their services, asking to post a business card or selling a bootleg. This is embraced and very much encouraged.
So I extend this invitation for you to gather around the barber’s chair (TBC), and engage in meaningful conversation!
I'm back!
28 May 2009
Sexy Spec & Pretty Ricky
27 May 2009
From the Projects to the Supreme Court

President Obama nominated Sonia Sotomayor to the nation’s highest court on yesterday. If elected, she will become the first Latina and third woman to serve on the Supreme Court.
Her academic success and law records were enough reasons alone for her to be selected. In his revealing speech, Obama credited her background and her amazing story from the Bronx projects, to becoming a judge as highlights of her accomplishments.
Sotomayor, raised in the housing project, graduated from Princeton University and Yale Law School. She is a competent and smart judge - who inspires all, just like President Obama to "not despise the days of small beginnings".
Some are already labeling her a racist. However, she simply stated that because of her race, she has had different experiences than her counterparts. As a result, she would be able to have a broader picture of people from all walks of life (i.e. from people who lives in the projects to those who are stockbrokers and lawmakers) when making decisions from the bench. She may have poorly selected her words - perhaps she could have said "because of my humble experiences…” – nonetheless let’s get her confirmed. She's the business.
26 May 2009
25 May 2009
Do you watch Cheaters?
Education in America

- 1.2 million students drop out of high school every year
- ¼ of high school students do not graduate on time
- 70% of 8th graders can’t read at grade level
- 2/3 of jobs require a college education
- The majority of employers and college professors say today’s high school graduates do not have the skills to succeed. The majority of high school graduates say they regret not learning more in high school.
Memorial Day Gratitude
24 May 2009
He called 9-1-1 for what?
BEDFORD, Ohio (AP) -– An Ohio man who argued with his grown son over a messy bedroom said he overreacted when he called 911. Andrew Mizsak called authorities after his 28-year-old son — who's a school board member in the Cleveland suburb of Bedford — threw a plate of food across the kitchen table and made a fist at him when told to clean his room.
The son, also named Andrew, lives in a room in his parents' basement. The father declined to press charges and told police he doesn't want to ruin his son's political career. The son, who also works as a political consultant, said he's lucky to be living in the house rent free. He also promises to keep his room clean.
1st Black NASA administrator, hopefully
President Obama announced on Saturday that he has selected Charles Bolden, 62, to lead NASA. Bolden, a former astronaut, if confirmed, will become NASA's first black administrator. Bolden has an extensive resume. He has been to space at least 4 times.
22 May 2009
T.I says "wait"
Queen & Lil Rounds
Dick Cheney... go away!

I strongly believe that we have to uphold fair and equal justice - even to those who are considered an eminent threat. This is the only way we are going to retain our powerful and respected position in the world. Housing these inmates in a federal prison would be just as safe. President Obama credits that there has never been a breakout in one of these high maximum security prisons. Furthermore, intense and harsh interrogation is not only unethical, but it also tarnishes the reputation of this great nation and what she stands for. Several studies also conclude that these unlawful interrogations causes people to admit to crimes they never committed.
This will be an interesting development to see if the Democratic Party will support the POTUS efforts to close Guantanamo Bay.
21 May 2009
5 Birmingham Police Officers Fired

Blacks Graduating College
Black students that have enrolled in higher education is creeping up to meeting all-time high numbers; however, the Department of Education shows that only 43% of black students who begins college graduate - compared to the 63% of white students.
In 2006, NCAA released figures of the schools with the highest black graduates in the nation:
Harvard University - 95%
Amherst College - 94%
Princeton University - 94%
Wellesley College - 94%
Williams College - 94%
Brown University - 92%
Yale University - 92%
Washington University - 91%
Stanford University - 90%
... the next question is - exactly how many black students are enrolled at the aforementioned schools? Also, it would be interesting to know the schools that had the lowest percentages...
Lunch discussion.
20 May 2009
Jay Z demands a lot from the University of Arizona

-1 late model black Mayback 57 or 62 with tinted windows ($400,000 luxury vehicle)
-2 six packs of Sapporo beer in bottles
-1 750 milliliter bottles of Belvedere Vodka
-2 750 milliliter bottle of Patron Silver Tequila
-2 Bottles 2004 Sassicaia - Red, Italian Wine from Bolgheri Region
-2 Bottles Armand de Brignac Champagne aka "Ace of Spades" and ice buck

-2 quarts each of orance and cranberry juice
-1 hot tea service
-8 glasses, wine glasses
-12 glass, champagne glasses
-1 martini shaker
-12 glass, shot glasses
-1 pack marlboro lights hard pack (box)
-1 package of lighters
-6 cans "Coca-Cola"
-6 cans Red Bull
-6 bottles of vitamin water in assorted flavors
Dressing Room:-hold 8 people
private acccess to a minimum of 1 shower, toilet, washing facilities, with hot and cold running water
-desired temperature is 72F
-Table and floor lamps rather than overhead lights
-1 large couch
-1 love seat
-2 matching end tables
-2 lamps
-6' banquet tables with tablecloths for catering
-4 standard folding chairs
-1 full length mirror
-1 rolling wardrobe rack
-1 humidifier
-1 microwave
19 May 2009
College Hill

So much for reality TV.
Apparently the ratings are slipping or something over at BET ‘cause there’s just a little bit too much Kyle-drama on this season of College Hill. Of course drama brings in viewers (that's why I tune in every Tuesday), but Kyle is just over the edge. With his "it's all about me" mentality and taking a minor situation and blowing it way out of proportion, he's definitely playing a character role… alter-ego Keisha. Almost as if he's trying to make a name post-College Hill.
Just this last show, he tripped out over somebody eating his ribs. This had to be like one of the stupidest episodes I've seen. Paul sold Kay out. Recalling from previous shows, he was the one who made it a point to bring up how "things are done in his hood" back home and how Allison shouldn't snitch. So yeah, it kinda confused me when he ratted her out.
Another one of Kyle's antics is when he told Allison that she helped commit a crime for watching someone eat his ribs. Ah... Then, there's more backbiting than anything. It seems like everyone is looking out for Kyle, when every argument on the show, he's some way involved. I really couldn't believe that Tiffany would show the letter that Allison wrote to Kay, which started out with "wifey". What’s that all about?
So I can't wait til tonight to see what's gonna happen. Is Paul and Kay gonna get together? Who will Kyle fight with? Just have to wait and see...
Oh, one more thing - did yall see when Kyle made Kay put his $10 in the microwave (the place where his ribs were "stolen" from)? lol too much Miss Kyle!
18 May 2009
Notre Dame Controversy
"These honorary degrees are hard to come by... so far, I'm only 1 of 2 as President," Obama said joking about not receiving an honorary degree from Arizona State University earlier this month. Instead, campus officials decided to have a scholarship named after him.
It amazes me that some felt that the President of the nation should have never been invited to the campus. His appearance was clouded by pro-life critics - who intentionally were arrested to make a point.
It is extremely disappointing to know that these students who worked hard for many years studying, only to have the biggest day of the end of their undergraduate days interrupted by people who wanted to inject politics into such a momentous occasion. While I agree that people who have strong beliefs should protest, but these protesters went too far.
I absolutely enjoyed watching Father Jenkins (my hero) handle the scene. He said that the community, public officials and students should use the opportunity of the POTUS coming to campus to "engage in responsible and reasonable dialogue". After all, this is what higher learning is all about. Some may side with pro-choice; others with pro-life - this is what makes us a melting pot of ideas.
President Obama said in his speech, "We are not going to shy away from things that are uncomfortable sometimes."
Whether you agree or disagree with abortions and embryonic stem cell research, one thing that we can take away from this is what Father Jenkins said in his introduction of the President: President Obama is not someone who stops talking to those who differs with him.
17 May 2009
Right now, I am up and getting ready to head out to church. I am definitely reminded of God’s grace on a daily basis. Sometimes I get caught up in doing me; however, He quickly reminds me of His love when I am flaky and inconsistent. Getting caught up in wanting to have a successful career, continuing my education and overcoming insurmountable obstacles – usually brings me to my knees to give the honor to the Creator for shining on me.
Before I start a sermon ;), I need to head and shower. Church is in an hour. I'll leave you all with a YouTube video of Fantasia singing "Total Praise".
Have a great day, peeps!
16 May 2009
what a life
So what's new with me? Currently, I'm trying to get some articles published on students matriculating through college with chronic illnesses; the challenges and struggles of the next generation. Researching the similarities and contrasting principles of this decade to previous ones is quite interesting, to say the least.
So relationships - ah, I didn't even know that word still existed. I'm slowly becoming a pessimist when it comes to finding a "ying to my yang". If I start elaborating on this, I'm afraid that I'll sound like an angry old man. So I'ma leave this one alone! :-) Nonetheless, I'm slowly starting to come around to this city. I'm having a sort of difficult time establishing solid friendships. This can be a task in itself.
Well, I am off to listen to some good ole Patti Labelle and catch up on my girl O.
25 February 2009
Letter to NAACP on Cartoon Depiction
Texas Giant
The relevance of this ride in comparison to life is that often times, we have slow ups -- the challenges or situations that we avoid because they appear minor but eventually blow up in the end. Then, there are the fast downs -- when obstacles appear to be stacked on top of the other and the only alternatives that seems hopeful are: to quit, give up everything and walk away, throw a self-tantrum or to quit. Then, the side-to-sides are the opportunities that looks promising one day and then all of a sudden, swift change occurs without adequate notice. Finally, the rollercoaster was rather bumpy with heavy shakes. Hmmm. Sounds similar to life, right?
This proved to be one of the most interesting rides because when I got off the Texas Giant, I had a massive headache; one that I had never experienced before. The odd part is that the headache lasted for only a few minutes. The small pain that I felt then equates to natural struggles that appear hopeless in the moment, but once surviving what seems insurmountable, the growth, laughter and simple experience makes life all the more enjoyable. Now I'm thinking... I just can't wait until opening day on February 28th, so that I can hop onto the Texas Giant and experience in 3 minutes what life sometimes feel like.
07 February 2009
28 January 2009
72,300 (and growing) *knockout*
The situation of people losing their jobs is turning from a recession to a depression. Businesses from Texas Instrument, Target, Home Depot to Microsoft… just to name a cutting back as consumer confidence is slashed. The economy is failing at a fast pace, there’s a mortgage crisis, from Wall Street to Main Street… this is bad, y’all. Now, I’m listening to reporters say that the situations are going to become bleaker before the healing starts. There are already millions of workers without employment. This will create an uphill challenge for them to find work. I’m not an economist, but no source of income equates to less money being spent to stimulate the economy – which further increases the number of companies forced to lay people off and more homes foreclosed.
Let’s be prayerful for those who are just graduating college seeking employment and those who were laid off.
24 January 2009
Pics from D.C.
blogs from the inauguration
inauguration update (8:07 AM - 1/20/2009)
Been standing in the national mall for about 3 hours now. My hands are friggin freezing while typing this. My toes are so cold that they are starting to burn. There are huge jumbo trons setup all across the mall. Snippers are positioned atop of buildings. We are watching the replay of the concert. Folks are mad. The crowd is swelling. Hands hurt... will update when get on train. *knockout*
4:57 lane (4:57 AM - 1/20/2009)
So we are waiting to turn into the metro line. There are sooooooooo many cars in front of us. Mind you, it is 4:57 in the a-m. I can only imagine the congestion on the rail itself and the shoulder room only at the rail station. Lionel and I are listening to some good ole fashion gospel music. This car line is like mad crazy. I need me a venti white chocolate mocha with a tripple shot from Starbucks right about now! I'm trying to get adjusted to the mobile blogging. About to catch a few zzzzzz's while we wait in this long car line. *knockout*
4 o'clock (4:00 AM - 1/20/2009)
So, it's four o'clock. Literally. I'm laying on my back, listening to Roland Martin and Soledad O'Brien on CNN at a forum at Howard University. I am about to freshen up and be out the door by 4:15 to be on the metro rail... *knockout*
inauguration eve (11:00 PM - 1/19/2009)
i'm sitting here and it's midnight. in less than 4 hours, i'll be preparing to head to the national mall to witness president obama assume the duties of the highest office in the nation! the excitement here in dc is building by the second. i'm extremely exhausted from a long day. i'll start mobile blogging and will put up some pictures and videos from this trip as soon as i find the time.
oh, and if you were watching cnn today, you would have saw me "acting up" while soledad o'brien was interviewing dr. king's son!*knockout*
19 January 2009
inauguration eve
i'm sitting here and it's midnight. in less than 4 hours, i'll be preparing to head to the national mall to witness president obama assume the duties of the highest office in the nation! the excitement here in dc is building by the second.
i'm extremely exhausted from a long day. i'll start mobile blogging and will put up some pictures and videos from this trip as soon as i find the time.
oh, and if you were watching cnn today, you would have saw me "acting up" while soledad o'brien was interviewing dr. king's son!
07 January 2009
Coutdown to Change
As I prepare to buy more wintery clothes for the inauguration to witness this historic moment in D.C., I am waiting for someone to awake me from this dream! Reading an article on CNN and watching the pictures of President-elect Obama step off the Air Force One aircraft, I almost cried. It is more than just PE Obama being a black man. His inspirational story of coming from a family whose father left him, grandmother struggled to raise him – using social services at one point and rising to earn a first-class education at Harvard; going on to become a representative, then senator and now the newly elected president of this nation… simply amazing.
I am counting down to change. We have only 13 more days!!!
03 January 2009
Watching the playoff game between the Chargers and the Colts reminded me of how life can be. The Chargers started the season off with a meager 4-8 record. Tonight, with about thirty seconds on the clock, Nate Kaeding, kicked a field goal to tie the game and led them into overtime. The Chargers, facing a team with a quarterback who was named MVP for the third time and their very own running back Ladainian Thomson faced with groin injuries – who sat out the entire second half - they were all but counted out. They managed to surprise the Colts in the opening playoff game and came out on top. In this AFC playoff game, the Colts taught us all a life lesson: although we might be faced with an uphill journey with situations mounting; through hard work and perseverance we can make a dramatic turnaround.