14 October 2012

This morning, I woke up to streamingfaith.com.  There was a minister, who looked to weigh well over 400 lbs sitting down preaching.  The first thing that came to my mind is - "this dude clearly has no discipline...and it's obvious in his weight."  It was at that moment, that my spirit was arrested.

I paused and thought of how this guy's lack of discipline was visible...then I thought of the things that keeps me on my knees that I wrestle with from day to day.  Sometimes I can be undisciplined with food.  Sometimes I can be undisciplined in areas that people cannot see with the visible eye.

How quick and easy is it for us to be judgmental towards our brothers and sisters. Kinda like beating an already dead horse.

What are your idiosyncrasies that draw you to your prayer closet? Those things that you've wanted to give up or told yourself that you'd put down or forgo...

13 October 2012

Young Politics

For some time, I have struggled w/ understanding my passion and purpose in life.  It wasn't until I went to Oprah's Life Class on last week that I truly decided to seek what I am on Earth to do.  I truly believe, because of my life for politics, that I should seek out to become a political analyst.  I breath politics. I never want to be a politician, but I love the essence that this great America that we live in is so great to afford opportunities to those who seek it out!  With this, here is my first v-log:

09 August 2012

Whew. This has been a really long week. Nonetheless, it has been epic! I'm on straight chill mode ... sitting back, relaxing & waiting!! I'm glad that it's finally Friday Eve. Tomorrow should be a breath of fresh air. Hello WEEKEND!!

03 August 2012


It was yesterday, and I was standing in the line at WalMart.  I only wanted to inquire about an item in the electronics section.  The customer in front of me had what it felt like a million questions.  It was really wearing my patience thin. 

I literally stood there for about ten minutes listening to him ask endless questions about the phone that he was about to purchase.  I was thinking, "Dude should have did his own research prior to coming in."  It was apparent that I wasn't the only one frustrated.  Looking at the reaction on the associate's face -- clearly, he wanted the questions to end, too.

Normally, I would be okay with waiting; however, I was in so much pain.  I had just left the gym, and I was barely able to stand.  My legs were about to give in, and my poor muscles ached. I was almost in tears, but I needed the gadget.

To alleviate the pain and distract myself from how horrible I felt, I paced the floor.  It was in the pacing that I paused and smiled.

Again ... I had an experience where I learned a life lesson!

Waiting is extremely uncomfortable.  It's damn near painful.  It sometimes causes stress. Because I want the answer immediately, I hate waiting!  But I continue to learn that in some things, there is a process.  I cannot rush the process. Instead, I have to stand in line and wait until my turn comes.

So simple, I know!

26 July 2012

Wow ... If someone told me that my July would have been this crazy, I would have told them *in my Rickey Smiley's voice* you lyin' to me! Not so great news after not so great news has really stretched my faith this month!

This month brought many questions.  One of them is -- Ken, you can confess your faith, but how strong are you to actually live your faith?

18 July 2012

Go through ... hold on!

It did not necessarily catch me off guard, but when I was actually confronted with the news, it came as a blow.  I had to swallow reality and recognize that these are tough economic times.   Nonetheless, this song by TD Jakes' choir came at the right time to provide the encouragement to know that this season won't last too long! That's definitely good news.

10 July 2012

Young Jeezy - Everythang

Some songs just have that catchy beat. That rhythmic line that makes your head bounce without notice. Young Jeezy really tells the story of how life was once hard and rough, but he was able to triumph through challenges. Whether your bio is identical to the lyrics in "Everythang," or if you had all that you needed growing up, at one time or the next, we have all had a struggle.

Driving into work and hearing this song, the first thing that I thought was - wow ... life is really uneasy for some and easier for others. Nonetheless, it's the reminder of the uneasiness that helps us to be more appreciative of the successes in life. Here's "Everythang."

15 June 2012

Younger folk

Taking a look at today's youth, I find myself asking: how do I reach and connect with this generation?

Growing up the youngest of two older brothers, my mother sheltered me from some things. When I went off to college, the experimental side of me came out. Although there is no practical step-by-step manual to training or raising children, it makes me wonder and rather nervous about teens and peer pressure.

I have three younger cousins that mean the world to me.  Without appearing to be too involved in their lives or intrusive, when is it appropriate to correct them -- while trying to understand the pressures that they are under?  Without being too judgmental, when do I step in and when do I pull back?  How do I meet them where they are and guide them in the direction that seems to be right without them rebelling?  Do I allow them to make mistakes and then hope that they learn from the consequences, or am I to be transparent by exposing my mistakes to them and pray that they walk away not wanting to engage and indulge in certain things that could be disastrous to them?  Am I wrong for wanting the best for them? Or do I allow life to hit them (as it surely will) and allow them to gain wisdom and insight from their valley experiences?

08 June 2012

Whoever said that life was intended to always work in your favor was dead wrong!

Over the past couple of weeks, I have experienced some major internal defeats. Do I claim them as blows? Well, I can only accept the reality of the situations, right?

Accepting the circumstances at face value is important. Failing to recognize these obstacles will only lead to living a life that is not genuine. Or as I was growing up, we would call it fronting. Nowadays, I think the intellectual folks call it being pretentious!

Life has a weird way of placing a mirror right in my face and causing me to stare at my true self … for hours! Even when I try to hide or run away from those idiosyncrasies, I am often reminded of just how human I am.

By being truthful with myself, I am better able to handle the challenges and put together a strategy to come out on top; one that will be victorious. I’ll look back on these recent encounters and smile knowing that I almost counted myself out, but before I gave in, I got up and looked up!

31 May 2012

Memorial Day (kinda late)

What happens when you spend so much time in life trying to prove to people who you are by being someone that you really are not? It is time wasted. Be yourself. Enjoy who you are. You are uniquely created. There is no one like you. Your DNA is set a part, and there is no replica of your identity. That is amazing.

So as you take on this today, the Thursday of the Memorial Day holiday week, memorialize any fallen identities and take on a new identity of walking in truth and purpose. There is nothing more enjoyable than living an authentic life.

Major shout out to those who have sacrificed their lives so that our country can continue to be the greatest place on Earth.

18 May 2012

It's Friday

The greatest workday ever - Friday!!

Looking back, I was stretched this week. From participating in trainings to training my own department. Things were a bit hectic.  Needless to say, I am rather ecstatic that the weekend is among us.

I woke up this morning watching YouTube videos. What better way to start off the last day of the week?  The Sweet Brown sensationized videos have me in a great mood.

Hope everyone has a ((productive)) Friday!

12 May 2012

President Obama's announcement and the black church

America continues to witness history.

This week alone was historic.  For the first time ever, a sitting U.S. President unequivocally endorsed gay marriage.  In an interview with ABC's Robin Roberts, President Obama said, "I've been going through an evolution on this issue...it is important for me to go ahead and affirm that -- I think same-sex couples should be able to get married."

Social media went into a frenzy with everyone weighing in on the historic announcement.  My timeline on Facebook and Twitter -- especially -- had status messages that either placed their stamp of approval on the president's decision to publicly support gay marriage and others chose to denounce this by invoking their extreme religious beliefs into the dialogue.

While some might heavily oppose gay marriage, what is not surprising is that recent polls continue to show that public opinion regarding gay marriage is shifting. The Public Religion Research Institute released a report, last year, which reveals that 44% of younger evangelicals favor gay marriage. In addition to this evidence, a Pew research poll shows that 51% of black people support gay marriage -- up from 33%, in 2004.  This is a dramatic shift considering that back in 2004 alone, 12 states galvanized and passed identical legislation that defined marriage as the union of a man and woman.

President Obama continues to show leadership in the face of his adversaries by promoting tolerance and acceptance of our fellow brothers and sisters.  These simple gestures that are the pinnacle of the foundation of Christianity, is often overlooked and overshadowed by hatred when it comes to uplifting the gay community.  A religion that bases itself on the very essence of encouraging their followers to love their neighbor as their self and to exude love as Christ displays -- has a weird way of having spiritual amnesia when it comes to this subject matter.

For black people, especially, who have been the victims of oppression for so long, we often shun those who are uniquely different. However, it is worth pausing and congratulating the bravery of several blacks who have spoken out in favor of gay marriage.

Beginning with Julian Bonds, the former chairman of the NAACP -- who has been a staunch supporter of gay marriage, said it best in 2007: If you don't like gay marriage, don't get gay married.  Bonds support extends far beyond the speech that he gave.  He went as far as boycotting the funeral of the late Coretta Scott-King, who advocated rights for gays and lesbians, because the King's kids decided to have her funeral at Bishop Eddie Long's church -- who at the time Bishop Long was outspoken against the rights of gay people. 

Next, one of my all-time favorites - THE Reverend Al Sharpton, who is a preacher and activist -- and a supporter of marriage equality.  It is black leaders like Sharpton who should continue moving the discussion along and encourage church leaders and goers, alike, to embrace and tolerate gay marriage.

It is an absolute embarrassment for the black church leaders to congregate on conference calls immediately after the president rendered his verdict in a decision that affects several pew members to discuss how they will align their sermons for this upcoming Sunday.  When was the last time preachers met to agree on a similar sermon subject that continues to erode blacks: sex before marriage, adultery, DL, unemployment ... and the laundry list continues?

This is the very reason that I absolutely will not attend a church that Sunday after Sunday preaches the do's and don'ts of the Bible.  There is so much to life than to live in a confined box that places a label and underhandedly inject hatred towards a particular group of people.

Black preachers -- do better!

Below is an e-mail response I wrong on Pastor McKissic's blog on his stance of what President Obama said. 

President Obama stood with courage by endorsing marriage equality.
What upsets me the most is that the religious right continues to drown the conversation of gay marriage by constantly invoking their radical and extreme views of distancing a particular group of people.  Instead of fighting about who's right and wrong, find yourselves being on the right side of history by encouraging and supporting those who are different from you.  Indeed, we will not all agree on the same thing -- which is a great thing.  However, please do not judge me because my sins are different than your sins.  Truely, there is something that keeps you up at night.
The preachers who pick and choose about what to preach against continues to divide the church.  This creates separation and removes those who are simply attending service to receive an uplifting and edifying word.  As the younger generation steps out and embrace people for being people -- regardless of who they choose to find themselves in love with, I predict that the church's voice will become mute.  The sure fact of the aforementioned comes from a religious survey that indicates 44% of younger evangelicals accept gay marriage.  When the church is no longer a priority in the average American's life, I will fault nobody but the church itself.  A relationship and conversation with God trumps any individualized opinion that a preacher has on any subject matter.

09 May 2012

A quick catch up

It seems like the last few months have been going at full speed, and I am barely able to keep up.

So what is new?

Let's start with the latest and go backwards.  Two days ago, I celebrated my twenty-sixth birthday!  At that time, I paused and reflected on my accomplishments during the first quarter of my life. Then, I contemplated on the what-ifs scenarios...truly, there were so many! Lastly, I rejoiced on the negative could-ofs that did not occur. Before continuing, it is worth noting that life will cause you to either grow up or give up. Through life's ups, downs, triumphs, defeats, setbacks, comebacks, highs and lows -- I've decided to take the grow up route!

Because my mother has been a strong supporter throughout my life, I felt the need to let her in on my life. She's been one who I could call, text or e-mail just to talk to, complain to, argue with or keep me company in a boring moment, and I did not want to commence another birth year without letting her in on what makes me Ken.  I challenged myself to be forthcoming with her. Afterwards, I felt so much better because her simple response was that she loved me and that she would go through any trial with me. It was refreshing to know that my mother placed her strong beliefs in the corner to show love to her youngest son. True love!

For some time, I have been unable to breath because of enlarged tonsils.  I visited an ear/nose/throat speciliast in early April, and he recommended that I immediately have them removed.  So in the later part of April, I had a tonsillectomy. Immediately after the procedure, I thought I was dying ... literally. I have never felt that much pain before in my entire life. Needless to say, yesterday was my first day back at work. I am 97% well, my breathing is 110% better, and I am getting some of the best sleep known to man!!

As I prepare to take life head on with the numerous things that are not within my control, I lean and rest on my faith - knowing that with the Creator's help, I can withstand any uncomfortable challenge that is presented. The good part is -- you can too!!!

Be sure and watch ABC's Good Morning America on tomorrow as President Obama sits down in an interview with Robin Roberts and tell Americans that he favors marriage equality!

29 March 2012

that struggle that keeps you humble. it keeps you contstantly praying and fasting. it keeps you rooted and grounded. it's a stronghold that just won't let go. at every turn, you're reminded.

therefore, i'm just going to start the day off with singing, "in all things..."

09 March 2012

03 March 2012

That moment when you wrestle with fitting in or standing out.
That moment when you feel like it's the end of the world, but it's actually just beginning.
That moment when you feel accomplished and defeated.
That moment when the sentiments of your heart echos the pain of your past.
That moment when you set a goal and reached it.
That moment when you gave up and later got back in the race.
That moment when you prove your critics wrong.
That moment when you hold onto a secret for 6 years.
That moment when writing becomes therapeutic.
That moment when you hurt but keep smiling.
That moment when your father is in the fight for his life.
That moment when you resort to drinking to cope with life's challenges.
That moment when you focus in and it's still blurry.
That moment when you smile.
That moment when you cry.
That moment when life is going great.
That moment when you've made up your mind to press on.
That moment when you call your best friend and y'all talk for hours about nonsense.
That moment when the crooked line appears straight.
That moment when you're at peace.
That moment when you pass through the storm.
That moment when you look back and wonder, "How in the hell did iGet through that shit?!"
That moment when reality stares you in the face.
That moment when your struggles are just that - struggles.
That moment when you give your all.
That moment when you're living your best days.
That moment when nothing else matters.
That moment when you're unable to sleep.
That moment when you depend on the very essence of science.
That moment when music becomes your romance.
That moment when you scream and it doesn't even hurt.
Oh...the moments of life!!!

10 February 2012


Hazing has grabbed national attention again.  This time, it is an undergraduate chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. on the campus of the University of Florida that is the center of the controversy.

The national chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha has issued a cease and desist order - preventing the undergraduate chapter from conducting official fraternity business and UF has temporarily suspended the chapter.

This all comes three months after the hazing death of Florida A & M University band member, Robert Champion, who was severely beaten.

The latest waves of hazing incidents that are plaguing college campuses across the nation is nothing new.  Recall the hazing incident during "Hell Week" at Chico State University in February 2005 that resulted in the death of 21-year old Matthew Carrington.  Gabriel Maestretti, who was charged with a felony in Carrington's death, testified:  I did what I did out of a misguided sense of building brotherhood, and instead I lost a brother. I will live with the consequences of hazing for the rest of my life.  My actions killed a good person, and I will be a felon for the rest of my life, and I'll have to live with that disability, but I'm alive and Matt's not (Korry, 2005).

In Carrington's case, his fellow brothers left him dying as he had a seizure and collapsed.  They further failed to notify emergency personnel within a timely manner, which resulted in his death.

Do brothers subject one to such inhumane treatment that they are literally left breathless?  Is that true brotherhood?

Colleges face an uphill challenge of eradicating this potentially deadly mentally.  Fraternity and sorority members are considered "paper" if they join the organization by forgoing the process of being hazed. In some chapters, "paper" members are often distanced and are perceived as "not being made," or having subjected themselves to the ridicule of being slapped, punched, beaten or humiliated by their prophyte, who is an older "made" member. 

On the Omicron Xi chapter's website of Phi Beta Sigma, the writer gives pros and cons of a "paper" member versus a "real" or made member.  The writer distinguishes the positives of being "made" as: establishes a brotherly/sisterly bond amongst line pledges, initiates learn history of the fraternity or sorority from a perspective other than books; a written test, and pledge lines work together as one entity instead of on an individual basis.  The writer continues by listing the negatives as: wood, the obvious destruction of your cumulative grade point average, and being on call at all hours of the night (24/7).

Hazing definitely has been on the forefront of college administrator's minds.  The problem is that the culture of hazing is deeply engraved as the proper process of gaining entrance into a sorority, fraternity or band that the likelihood of eliminating this altogether is not possible.  What administrators can do is levy stiff punishments against organizations that are found negligent with contributing to acts of hazings, completely ban fraternities and sororities at the undergraduate level or implementing campus-wide initiatives on recognizing, refraining from and reporting hazing incidents.

02 January 2012

Election Season Heating Up

Everyone has their eyes set on Iowa. Many conservative voters are looking to see which Republican hopeful will come out the winner in tomorrow's caucuses.  Final polls leading up tomorrow's votes indicate that Mitt Romney and Ron Paul are at a statistical dead heat.  With younger voters leaning towards Paul, this race is clearly anyone's game.

CNN reports that Rick Santorum, who was all but counted out, has recently surged in the polls and might even come out on top.  According to the latest polls, he's tracking 3rd place.

But how will Iowa vote?  Why is Iowa so important?

The person who takes home the win in Iowa will have plenty of momentum going into the next battleground state, New Hampshire.

Newt Gingrich's campaign was on life support back in the summer after several staffers quit because they didn't agree with how he was running the show.  However, Gingrich gained much needed momentum after sexual harassment allegations surfaced on former front-runner Herman Cain.  Cain's alleged past came to haunt him - which eventually caused Cain to suspend his campaign.

Gingrich, who was once ahead in the polls, has already claimed defeat in Iowa due to the increased attack ads that are airing in the state by his opponents. They are using his past infidelities and two divorces to their advantage.  One of Gingrich's separation is rumored to have occurred while his former wife was hospitalized, recovering from surgery; although her daughter has refuted this.

Gingrich, who originally planned to take a more positive spin on the other contenders is quickly learning that in politics anything is fair game (although he's no newbie to politics). So he and his staff would be wise to rethink their positive strategy going into New Hampshire against those who are fighting to become their parties' next nominee.

This race has been really interesting, and needless to say, I'll have my popcorn and remote control in hand tomorrow waiting to see how Iowans cast their votes!