21 November 2010

Blogging during service

Dear Ken,

Right now, I am sitting in the middle of an unconventional worship service. A friend just text'd and asked, "What is going on in here?" It's so amazing to watch the Holy Spirit have its way - even when it is outside of our traditional methods. Folks are wrapped around the altar, weeping, tears flowing and are giving their life to Christ. #Beautiful

16 November 2010

Simple lesson

Dear Ken,

I almost got got, yesterday!

United Airlines contacted me about setting up an account with their dividend mileage program. The agent over the phone sounded really convincing. She had me thinking "why the hell haven't I heard about this program?" You know - sorta like the frequent flyer miles with the other airlines.

I spoke with a colleague about how the program sounded too good to be true. She and I began researching on their website, but we couldn't find the information online. So I called United Airlines again. This time, the agent explained that one domestic roundtrip ticket would be roughly 25,000 miles, at minimum. At that point, I pulled out the calculator and started putting figures together. Bank of America gives 1 mile for every 2 dollars spent. So at that rate, I would need to spend $50,000 before I could ever redeem the miles. Being naive, I originally thought that the previous agent told me it would be mile-for-mile (ex. if from my place to ATL is 1,500 miles roundtrip, then I would need 1,500 miles in order to travel).

I couldn't believe I had fallen for something so crazy. I made a huge mistake. I signed up for the program without reading up on the rules, first!

#DearUnitedAirlines, y'all almost got me! Thanks for teaching me a lesson. I'll read the fine print next time. #That'sAll

15 November 2010


Dear Ken,

This song got me through undergrad and grad schools. #EnoughSaid

14 November 2010

Dear Ken,

It's a small improvement, but I'm making progress!


13 November 2010

Hours wasted?

Dear Ken,

I hate being a procrastinator!

Waking up extra early (8 a-m) on a weekend, I had this perfect outline of how the day would go. What have I accomplished? Not a damn thing! It's now 2:56, and there is so much to get done. Should I skip the gym? Heck no! Should I be sitting here on blogger.com writing an entry? #iLaugh

Well, this day hasn't been all that unproductive. I was able to complete some major research for an upcoming presentation. Also, I was able to get about a page of the book written! So, yay me!!


On a s/n, I have been playing this song all morning ...

11 November 2010

Dying daily!

Dear Ken,

I love having random moments.

Yesterday, a coworker and I were talking about something. Honestly, I can't even recall what the topic of conversation was about. However, in the midst of her speaking, she unintentionally gave me a wonderful reminder. In our 15-minute conversation, the only words I remember are: I die to sin daily. At that moment, I had a light bulb moment. It hit me. No matter how perfect I strive to be, I have to crucify the flesh on a continual basis.

#DearCoworker, Thank you for the reminder! #That'sAll

08 November 2010

Of two minds

Dear Ken,

Today is one of those days. Lately, when I have been feeling some kind of way, I have refrained from writing about it. It is refreshing to remember how writing makes everything seems so peaceful and calm. Thankfully, nothing too major is happening; my drive and passion has just been temporarily exhausted. In moments like this, I have to pause and contemplate the next phases in my life. It is amazing and, yet, bittersweet to have awakening opportunities. The growing pains - not so much.

Looking back on life, I am overwhelmed with excitement of how each obstacle has built upon the next. During the period of uncertainty, I was confused, but after experiencing the unfortunates, it seems like everything fell in place. Kinda makes me think about the scripture "all things work together for the good..." You all know the rest.

Recently, things have not worked out as I have hoped. What do you do when you have a perfect plan or beautiful dream and it falls backwards? I'm telling you - it hasn't been easy. How about when you have to a tie a knot at the end of your rope and hold on to the last little bit of string that is left? Even harder!

Sometimes, it is extremely embarrassing to be completely transparent about life. But as I move from one year to the next, it seems like what I have once thought was difficult to talk about is rolling a lot smoother from my lips. For some strange reason, life has a way of making you face the truths of being strong and unsure, weak and bold, a success and having failures all at once.

So as I move from yesterday to today, I have to make a conscious effort to persevere in the face of setbacks and ambiguous moments. I have to reach deep and pull up the often forgotten strength to endure in times of weaknesses, and rely on the sometimes bruised faith to get me over these steep mountains. Oh for the love of challenges!


07 November 2010

More technology, please?

Uh-o! There goes technology.

Yesterday, I purchased the myTouch4G phone, that came out on Wednesday. Lets just say - there is so much that I thought I knew but didn't really know.

See, technology is ever-changing. There's now video chat, mobile TV, live streaming and thousands of other apps in the Android market. I don't think I can keep up with all of this. Am I getting older FAST or is technology going too fast?! Maybe both.

I frown upon the day when I turn to my child (oh goodness) and ask, "Now, how do you use that?" #That'sJustWrong So, I'll just resort back to my typewriter days!