CNN had an interesting video report on the First Islamic-based Sorority...
Both tears and sweat are salty, but they render a different result. Tears will get you sympathy; sweat will get you change. –Rev. Jesse Jackson
30 January 2010
28 January 2010
SOTU Thoughts
Before last night’s address, I admit that cynicism and pessimistic sentiments started to creep in. Over this past year, President Obama and his administration have had to make some pretty unpopular and bold actions. Some moves have been received with pretty moderate support while others have been unwelcoming, especially from the Party of No. Some of the administration’s important first steps have alienated independent voters and frustrated a lot of the democrats along the way.
His speech served to reinforce the very idea that we know is true: this is America’s defining moment. Although in the past she has deprived the black race of some of the most basic and essential liberties, the acronym USA embodies a substantial buoyancy of hope and justice and freedom and democracy and independence.
President Obama’s tone in his first State of the Union compared to that of the 43rd President’s was noticeably different. Whereas former President Bush’s main priority was the War on Terror, there was a symbol of new wars headed our way: War of Fixing the Economy, War on Getting Americans Back to Work, War on Health Care, War on K-12 and Higher Education, and War on Putting American’s Needs in Front of Partisan Bickering. He shifted the nation’s top priorities. This is most needed.
Middle class Americans have it hard. It is a daily fight to prevent home foreclosures, work to make ends meet, taking out a student loan to gain access to a quality and affordable education, working to combat racial disparities, unfair gender or sexual discrimination – while those on the other side of the aisle live with insensible tax breaks and record bonuses.
Americans were often reminded last year that we needed to tighten our belts and that those on the Hill would be more committed than ever to ensure that our economy rebounds, people get back to work, and that reaching across the divided party line would become normal practices – all for the common purpose of creating a more perfect Union. But is it so? Our belts cannot get any tighter!
President Obama reminded me tonight that he gets it. He understands the hard times that everyday people are facing. He is in touch with those who wake up each day on a daily grind to find employment, and those who have to choose between feeding their children or provide adequate health care coverage.
When times get hard, people bail. What we cannot afford is the government turning its back on the people who need the resources the most. President Obama explained that it is not about winning another election, but it is about getting the people’s work done.
We elected them. We decide if they stay or go.
25 January 2010
- Fantasia's show comes on tonight.
- The US Supreme Court gave the okay for unlimited amount of monies to be donated to political figures from corporations (bad idea)
- First Lady Michelle Obama stopped by "The Wendy Williams Show"... well, a wax figure did.
- Super Bowl is February 7: Saints vs Colts (not worth watching)
- President Obama will deliver his first State of the Union speech on Wednesday.
- Federal Reserve chairman Ben Bernanke term expires on 1/31/10 - will he be reconfirmed?
- President Obama told ABC: "I'd rather be a really good one-term president than a mediocre two-term president."
- Black History Month is just seven days away.
23 January 2010
Health care reform to jobs
As much as I hate that this is happening, the democrats can only fault themselves for taking way too long to pass the bill. Boy oh boy do I dislike the agenda of the Republican Party; however, I can honestly admit - when they did have the majority, they pushed their legislation through, with or without bipartisan support. Democrats failed to deliver. And when November comes around, if the dems have fewer seats, think: health care.
Speaker Nancy Pelosi admitted earlier this week that she does not have enough votes in the House to pass the middle-of-the-road, not-what-was-originally-promised Health Care Reform that the Senate passed. Perhaps these representatives fear that a stamp of approval on this legislation would equate to less votes in the upcoming election. Rightfully so - because several left-leaning liberals, including myself, was depending on those who are seated now to get it right. And they did not.
Several of my friends have either graduated college or is pretty close to graduating. Growing up, our parents placed emphasis on finishing high school and going to college "so that you can get a good job". Okay. It has happened. Where are the jobs? Americans are hurting.
Everyone that can work and wants to work, should be able to work! This Congress definitely needs to step up and deliver. We need jobs (oh, and REAL health care reform, too).
22 January 2010
Busy week
Wow. This week has been extremely busy. Each time I turned the netbook or laptop on to begin a blog entry, within a minute, I hit the start and shut down button!
Even though I have a huge to-do list, or what I refer to as my "get-er-done list", life has a way of placing me in uncomfortable situations that ultimately prevents me from reaching the finish line. Through the madness and chaos of the daily routines, anything that appears out of the nowhere becomes a distraction.
Have you ever had a structure or specific way to achieve a goal, but either through unforeseen circumstances or procrastination, you did not accomplish what you set out to finish?
Well, as I pause for a brief moment to mobile blog while working out on the elliptical, I am most grateful for those distractions that catch me off guard. Without those interruptions, whether small or large, I would be less motivated to find the strength to survive these storms.
18 January 2010
MLK Day Rundown
Today the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday, or National Day of Service, was filled with excitement and remembrance of a legend!
Starting at 11, on the windy streets of Downtown Fort Worth, I watched the annual MLK parade. People from all walks of life and races were in attendance. People sung hymns as they walk or rode. Organizations, young and old, fraternities and sororities, high school and college marching bands, community leaders, state representatives and the like – all joined in the festivities. This was sure the scene in most large cities across the nation, as we all paused to honor Dr. King on this federal holiday.
Afterwards, I attended a Battle of the Band. The presentations and crowd was absolutely phenomenal. You could feel the excitement from the students as they danced and played their instruments. Those in attendance were equally elated to be graced by the young students showing off their talents for Dr. King.
Later in the night, St John had a Dr. King celebration. The children did a great job reciting speeches, reading poems, performing through praise dances and singing solos.
Ending the day, I watched “Obama’s America: 2010 and Beyond” on MSNBC with Chris Matthews and Tom Joyner. They were live on the campus of Texas Southern University in Houston, Texas. The two-hour feature was packed with interesting views of the state of Black America and how President Obama has helped shape the future of how people perceive racism in America. I will definitely blog about this later in the week.
In all, I really did have a great time celebrating the Dr. King’s Holiday. Here are a few pictures:
13 January 2010
What's on the menu?
DPS issued a statement: "[the idea was] highly insensitive in light of certain hurtful cultural stereotypes still harbored in parts of our society."
Does the fact that the district decided to have chicken and greens on MLK Day offend you more than the fact that we have several students dropping out of school, who cannot construct a grammatically correct sentence, or a generation who struggles with math and science?
07 January 2010
1 year down, 7 more to go!!!
What a difference a year makes!
Although he has been faced with unprecedented events, he and his administration are to be commended. In a year, they have pulled the economy from the brinks of collapsing, made huge strides in overhauling health care (though not completed, yet), have plans to close the never-should-have-opened Guantanamo Bay, restored international confidence with our allies, and the list continues. However, America still has her hands full. As his first year comes to a halt, his to-do list has greatly increased. I look forward to witnessing him work diligently, with or without the Republican slash "do nothing party" slash "party of 'no'" – support, to put America back on the right track.

05 January 2010
Minority unemployment numbers
Each year we countdown to our birthday, to Christmas, graduation and even the New Year; this year, I am counting down to Black History Month! Celebrated in the shortest month of the year, through many toils and snares, Black America has a lot to be excited for, and a lot to worry about.
While some black people are celebrating many triumphs, victories and even firsts, it would be remiss of me to fail to highlight something that is obviously being swept under the rug - right in our face: the startling unemployment rate, in our own backyard!
Growing up, my parents along with other community leaders insisted that the best way to get ahead was by obtaining a college degree. While I do not contest their argument, I do question why there is a significant amount of blacks, with a college degree, are unemployed.
Each month, the US Bureau of Labor Statistics provide data on how well or poor America stands in the job market. The latest figures clearly represent a disproportionate number in the amount of blacks and Hispanics looking for work. These numbers have reached double-digit in the minority communities, and it appears that no one is talking about it. While I do not expect the federal government to be the problem solver to all problems, I would expect them to at least highlight and address the discrepancies.
Take a look for yourself:
Sept 2009 | Oct 2009 | Nov 2009 | |
Whites | 9.0% | 9.5% | 9.3% |
Blacks | 15.4% | 15.7% | 15.6% |
Hispanics | 12.7% | 13.1% | 12.7% |
03 January 2010
Keeper of my Soul!
I can honestly admit that I am a long shot off from where He wants me. I sin on a daily basis. I have impure thoughts constantly. My conversations do not always include Him - often, it pertains to things that He frowns upon. Usually, I make the decision and consult Him after I have drowned myself. On a good week (notice I said good week :) ), I pray everyday! Okay - so let me tell you how often on a bad week - probably none. But on average, I pray about twice a week or when I can remember to do so. Not dwelling on the past too much, I can recall when my shower time was my worship time... oh how that has changed.
Nonetheless, as I grow older, I realize and recognize that I need God now more than ever. Without His daily touch, daily direction, daily understanding, daily manifestation, daily guide, daily voice -- I would be lost and without hope. Perhaps somewhere on the street corner, or on drugs or stripping or - But I thank Him that He loves me enough to keep me - even when I fail to thank Him or seek His face.
Yes, God, you are truly incredible!
02 January 2010
Right within your reach
A friend came over to visit and apparently, his Vaporizing Chest Rub fell out of his coat pocket onto the couch. Sure that the blue bottle with a flamboyantly colored top was not mine, I picked it up and placed it on the counter. I promise you - this bottle has been sitting in its current location prior to me getting sick. Because this bottle is right next to where I hang my keys, I passed this bottle each day of my illness.
Heeding to the instructions of my friend, he advised me to get a bottle of chest rub, among one other drug that I have been taking. Remembering that each day I passed up a weirdly colored bottle, it hit me. I had a light bulb moment. This whole time, I have been coughing, sneezing, and snorting – because the Theraflu and other drugs were not working. Last night, I applied the chest rub on my chest, in the corner of my ear, and I began coughing up the illness. The cough lasted an hour, but I am upset with myself for being too busy – going about my day without paying attention to the minor thing: this whole time, I walked right next to my solution.
As it turns out, this was the perfect lesson to begin the new year. This isolated example has taught me to be more aware of my surroundings. Often, opportunities are placed right within my reach, and it will be up to me to take the initiative and act on what is presented. Just like the bottle of chest rub that I passed each day, there are so many talented people who I come in contact with on a daily basis that could help me reach the goals that I have set out for myself. There are different resources that I unconsciously pass over. Because life is strategically arranged, in order for me to move to the next level, I will have to start looking for opportunities – even in the simple things. Perhaps, my answer is right within my reach.
Just as I seemingly stumbled into the medicine and overlooked it for a week, what encounters, people or resources have you turned a blind eye to?