Both tears and sweat are salty, but they render a different result. Tears will get you sympathy; sweat will get you change. –Rev. Jesse Jackson
24 December 2009
Senate Passes Health Care Bill
Waking up to the news that the US Senate passed its version of the health care reform was simply incredible. This brings a sense of relief and victory. However, the fight for this passage is not over. The road ahead will take tremendous negotiations - including compromises to retain the 60 senate votes after the conference committee.
In a rare Christmas Eve vote, members on Capitol Hill got it right. I definitely look forward to the "give and takes" that will occur over the next few weeks. Until then, way to go Democrats (and boo Lieberman!).
14 December 2009
Have you written your senator lately?
Dear Senator Hutchison & Senator Cornyn:
As a constituent of yours in the State of Texas, I ask that you consider voting for the health reform bill. Being younger and new to politics, I have noticed that the Republican Party has gained the brand of the "do nothing Party" and the "Party of 'no'." I ask that you work in a bipartisan fashion with the democrats on this pressing issue. Many lives are at stake, and every person in America is depending on this Congress to get the job done. If you do not agree with the measures, please by all means - work to rally up the troops in your party on a compromise that equates to real health care reform.
I look forward to witnessing this important moment in history - when all Americans are able to freely visit hospitals and receive appropriate medical coverage that should have been granted to them at birth.
Have a great holiday season.
01 December 2009
World AIDS Day: 2009

Since its inception, HIV/AIDS has been depicted in a dreadful light. Some of the fairy-tale myths associated with HIV/AIDS is: there is a certain “look” to the disease; this is an automatic death sentence, or this is a “gay man’s” disease. None of the above is true.
If you are unsure of your status, I would encourage you to go and get tested. Go to the local health clinic and ask for a confidential test.